
This was not our best Halloween.  I mean – OK.  We did have fun.  On Halloween night a few of our friends stopped by, we had some wine and pizza, and the kids went trick or treating.  I am enough of an extrovert that this was energizing.  But I had WANTED to throw a big Halloween party (Raines had dreams of a haunted house in the basement) so we really had to scale back.

Stupid chemo.

And I was too sick to do any of the pre-Halloween festivities, like the awesome Halloween party at St. David’s or even the Halloween parade at Raines’ school.



But Mike and the boys went to both and after seeing the pics (and you know Raines)….it’s OK.  Halloween may not be our holiday.

Halloween. WOOT.


Raines could give a shit about dressing up, and Pax, despite his love of costume, is terrified of all things Halloween.

(Also, the St. David’s party interrupted a too-late-in-the-day nap.  So there’s that.)



Despite the chemo recovery, I still may have been more excited for Raines’ Halloween Parade than he was.



For cryin’ out loud, Raines.  He did warn me, I guess.  “Sometimes when I dress up I feel funny” he told me.  Ok.  

At least I can count on Raines’ BFF Dorian to get into the swing of things.  Look at him – waving and strutting like a champ.



But the boys’ costumes were pretty awesome.  Raines decided before the St. David’s party that he wanted to be a “Water King…..because water is the MOST POWERFUL thing in the WORLD” and stuck with it for actual Halloween.  Pax’s costume came just in time.



I’m often woken up in the morning by a large moon head, staring silently at me.  Then, a muffled voice:  “Mum?  I cant get dis off.”


Pax didn’t trick-or-treat.  He started in Mike’s arms, got almost to the end of the driveway, then started crying for me.  By the time I carried him inside the poor thing was saying, “No more zombies!  No more zombies!”

Oh, my baby.  Instead, he and I had a delightful time watching the Great Pumpkin and handing out candy.  “HAP!  HAL-WEEN” he’d cry.


Hunh.  Now that I think about it…this Halloween was actually pretty awesome.

This entry was posted in Pax - 2 Years, Raines - 5 Years Old, School, Super-Heros. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Hallowhining

  1. Love the space helmet! I can so imagine waking up to that, it sounds mildly terrifying! lol

  2. Erica says:

    Where did you get that astronaut costume?!? Also, my two-year-old wore the exact same fireman costume for Halloween…taking a tip off ANMJ, I didn’t buy costumes – just pulled one of our old standbys off the shelf when the time came. 🙂

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