Knock Knock

Raines is just starting to grasp the concept of jokes.  Like…real jokes.  Where you are trying to be funny.  But he’s not quite there, so many of his jokes make no sense at all.  It’s like he understands enough to realize that a good joke is a play on words…but the whole “play on words” thing is confusing him.

R:  Mom, what goes pbbbt pbbt tbbbttt [insert fart sounds]

Me:  Uh….I have no idea.

R:  A tunk-toop!

Me:  Wha….??

[R falls over laughing.]

But his friend Mairia was over today, and she’s eight.  And therefore versed in REAL jokes.  She was instructing him in knock-knock jokes which he loves.  They were going through the whole “Boo!  Boo who?  Don’t cry..” thing when all of a sudden, Pax looks up. “Na na!” he says.  It took us a while to catch on.  “NA NA!! NA NA!”  Oh! Right.  “Who’s there?” we answer.  “BOO” he says, in his deep baby voice.  Be still my heart.  “Boo, who Pax?”  He pauses.  We wait for it.  He puts his head down.  Peeks up at us from under his lashes.  “Yad” he says in a tiny little voice.  “Yad.”

OMG.  ‘Yad’ is Pax for sad.  He was doing the joke!!  He got it!  We (the nanny and I) fell  off the chair laughing while Pax grinned at us.  So proud.

“Good joke, Buddy!!” says Raines, giving Pax a high-five.  These two.  I mean…THESE TWO.

This entry was posted in Pax - 2 Years, Raines - 5 Years Old, Talking. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Knock Knock

  1. Mom says:

    Remember how Pax made us laugh at camp when he was only 9 months old? He hoisted himself up to a standing position by the couch and sat back down on his bum, and we laughed. He did it again, and we laughed harder. The harder we laughed, the more he laughed and he kept dong it. I think we had tears running down our faces, and he knew that he was making us laugh. He did something similar last October when we visited you, and do I need to remind you of his trampoline antics. He has great comedic timing. Pax is going to be lots of fun.

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